Çerez Örnek

In-Departmental Assignments of Mechanical Engineering Department Academic Staff



                                                                                        Ege University

                                                      In-Departmental Assignments of Mechanical Engineering Department Academic Staff



Task Name



Task Description

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY


Responsibility for the regular and efficient execution of the department's education, training and research at all levels and all kinds of activities of the department, administrative responsibility of the Department Personnel.

Ass. of Head of Department

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS


Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department Building responsibility.

Ass. of Head of Department

Asst. Prof. Dr. B.Oğuz GÜRSES


Undergraduate education responsibility of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Department Student Affairs Secretariat



Department undergraduate and graduate student affairs responsibility

Department Secretariat

Atiye İlkay METİN


Department administrative affairs responsibility

Strategic Plan Preparation Working Commission

Prof.Dr. Aydoğan ÖZDAMAR

Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY

To make changes and arrangements in the Strategic Plan of Ege University, in the strategic plan objectives of the Department.

Department MÜDEK Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr.  B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Re. Ass. Hasan Yavuz ÜNAL

Re. Ass. Şöhret Melda AYDIN

Responsibility to do what is necessary for the department to obtain MÜDEK accreditation

MÜDEK Report Preparation Committee

Asst. Prof. Dr.B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Re. Ass..Hasan Yavuz ÜNAL

Re. Ass. Şöhret Melda AYDIN

Responsibility to prepare reports by September 15 of each year

Unit Quality Commission Asst. Prof. Dr. B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Re. Ass.Hasan Yavuz ÜNAL

Re. Ass.Şöhret Melda AYDIN

Responsibility for attending university quality meetings
YÖKAK Accreditation Commission (Institute) Asst. Prof. Dr.  Mahmut PEKEDİS Re. Ass. Dr. Sercan SABANCI YÖKAK accreditation studies of our University Institutes

Curriculum Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES

Re. Ass. Hasan Yavuz ÜNAL

Responsibility to ensure that the department curriculum is improved in line with MÜDEK's demands

Course Learning Outcomes and Course Content Evaluation Commission

Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY

Heads of Departments

Responsibility for determining the program output points of each course once a year, and offering improvement suggestions considering the course content and success.

Continuous Improvement and Accreditation Execution

Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY

Heads of Departments

Determining the necessary strategies for achieving MÜDEK educational goals and evaluating them systematically, and submitting the periodic results to the Department Chair at the end of each academic year (July).

Determining the necessary strategies for reaching and systematically evaluating the program outputs and presenting the periodic results to the Department Chair at the end of each academic year (July).

Industrial and Professional Stakeholder Relations Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS

Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES

Re. Ass.Dr. Mehmet ERKEK

The duties of this commission are to organize meetings with stakeholders (Organization and management of Mechanical Engineering Days. Stakeholder Meeting and SLBP Proie Sharing)


Asst. Prof. Dr.Mahmut PEKEDİS

Re. Ass.Devrim TÜMER

Data Monitoring and Evaluation

EGE-DİDO Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS Re. Ass. Devrim TÜMER Digitization Data Monitoring and Evaluation

Measurement and Evaluation Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES

The task of this commission; To develop and implement examination, survey and similar methods within the scope of measurement, evaluation and self-assessments regarding the department activities, to examine the relevant issues on the agenda of the Academic Department Board in terms of compliance with measurement and evaluation techniques, and to prepare an evaluation report at the end of the year in which the success of reaching the program objectives and outputs is evaluated.

Re. Ass. Dr. Sercan SABANCI

Former Alumni Survey (We have our alumni surveyed every year and the results are presented at the end of each spring semester (July))

Re. Ass. Aytaç Altan KARAKUŞ

Employer Survey (We have our alumni surveyed every year and the results are presented at the end of each spring semester (July))

Re. Ass.. Dr. Sercan SABANCI

New Graduate Survey (Questionnaires are made for all our students who graduate in the Fall and Spring Semesters and the results are presented at the end of each spring semester (July))

Re. Ass.Erdoğan POLAT

New Incoming Student Statistics
1. Distribution of newly arrived students by cities
2. Geographical representation of distribution by cities
3. Distribution of incoming students by school types

All Research Assistants

Collecting and presenting the COURSE Files of the USA courses to which it is affiliated at the end of each fall and spring semester (July)

All Research Assistants

Periodically determining and documenting the level of delivery of program outputs

Department Internship Commission

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Etem SAKLAKOĞLU


Re. Ass. Fırat MAVİ

In line with the instruction on the General Internship Principles of the Faculty of Engineering, the Mechanical Engineering Department examines the internships that the students should do. It checks the suitability of places where students can do internship. It gives opinions to the Academic Board of the Department on issues related to student internships.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lütfiye ALTAY

Re. Ass. Aslı TİKTAŞ

ERASMUS Exchange Program Manager


Prof. Dr. Rasim İPEK


Farabi Exchange Program Manager


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seçkin ERDEN


IAESTE Exchange Program Manager


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap ÇELEN


Mevlana Exchange Program Manager

Minor and Double Major Programs, Transfer, Course Exemption and Adaptation Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar KARAOĞLU

Re. Ass.Erdoğan POLAT

Responsibility for student adjustments

Industry Supported Undergraduate Graduation Project Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES

Re. Ass. Dr. Mehmet ERKEK

Matching the company, student and consultant of the Industry Supported Undergraduate Graduation Project and managing the related certification process

Department Promotion Activities Commission

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Utku ŞENTÜRK

Re. Ass. Aytaç Altan KARAKUŞ

Re. Ass. Fırat ÖZDEMİR

Preparing information, documents, printed and electronic documents for the promotion of the department, delivering them to the relevant places, Participation in the department promotion meetings

Curriculum and Classroom Preparation Committee

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS

Re. Ass.Dilara KOÇAK

Responsibility to prepare the syllabus by taking into account the number of students, the capacity of the classrooms and the weights of the courses.

Exam Program Preparation Committee

Asst. Prof. Dr.Mahmut PEKEDİS

Re. Ass. Dr. Türkan ÜÇOK ERKEK

Responsibility for preparing the exam program

Supervisor Appointment Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr.Mahmut PEKEDİS


Re. Ass.Erdoğan POLAT

Responsibility for equitable appointment of examiners

Distance Education Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr.B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Asst. Prof. Dr.Nilay ÇÖMEZ

International Working Group

Asst. Prof. Dr. B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nilay ÇÖMEZ


Publication and Academic Incentive Review and Evaluation Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr.Mahmut PEKEDİS

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Mehmet SARIKANAT

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Utku ŞENTÜRK

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Seçkin ERDEN

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Lütfiye ALTAY

Asst. Prof. Dr.Gökhan GÜRLEK

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ege Anıl DİLER


Examining the academic incentive applications and making the necessary evaluation.

Commission on the Recognition of Prior Learning Directive  

Assoc. Prof.  Dr.  Seçkin ERDEN

Asst. Prof. Dr. Özay AKDEMiR

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Mehmet SARIKANAT


Class Advisory Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS

Asst. Prof. Dr.Özay AKDEMiR

The duties of this commission are to work towards improving the counseling services and to organize the necessary studies so that the students can receive an active counseling service from the first to the last year. The Student Commission organizes meetings where students' in-class and extra-curricular problems are discussed. In addition, when necessary, it gives opinions on the issues related to the students in the Academic Committee of the Department.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDiS

Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES

Lec. Dr. Mesut TURAN

Student Assistantship Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr.Gökhan GÜRLEK


Student Assistant Responsibility

Master's and Doctorate Processes Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS

 Asst. Prof. Dr. Ege Anıl DİLER

Re. Ass.  Fırat ÖZDEMİR

Responsibility for the recruitment processes of master's and doctoral students.

Seminars Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Aysun BALTACI

Re. Ass. Dr. Sercan SABANCI

Responsible for the organization of Seminars and Conferences and the follow-up of their announcements.

 R&D Projects Working Group

Asst. Prof. Dr.  B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Asst. Prof. Dr.Nilay ÇÖMEZ

Barrier-Free Aegean Department Representatives

Asst. Prof. Dr. B.Oğuz GÜRSES

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nilay ÇÖMEZ

Career Days Working Group Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY Re. Ass.. Dr. Sercan SABANCI  

Machine Laboratory Experiments Commission

Prof. Dr.Aydoğan ÖZDAMAR

Assoc. Prof.  Dr.  Utku ŞENTÜRK (Energy)

Assoc. Prof.  Dr.  Mehmet SARIKANAT (Machine Dynamics)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ege Anıl DİLER (Materials)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS (Mekanik)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Özay AKDEMİR (Termodinamik)


In the Mechanical Laboratory course, the responsibility of conducting experiments in both thermal systems and mechanical systems and the systematic collection of test sheets and reports related to these are given to the students.

Machinery Project Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. B.Oğuz Gürses

Re. Ass. Fırat MAVİ

Announcement of Machine Project topics, coordination between students and homework advisors, announcement and organization of exam juries are among the duties of this commission.

Physics Laboratory Commission

Lec. Dr. Özgür TAŞKIN

Lec. Dr. Aykut KIYMAZ 

Re. Ass.  Aytaç Altan KARAKUŞ

Re. Ass.  Aslı TİKTAŞ

Responsibility to ensure that physics experiments are carried out in a healthy way (One day a week, 2 semesters)

Mechanical Tests Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr.Ege Anıl DİLER

 Re. Ass.  Devrim TÜMER

 Re. Ass. Fırat MAVİ

 Re. Ass. Şöhret Melda AYDIN/

Responsibility to provide students with the ability to design experiments, conduct experiments, collect data, analyze and interpret results in the Engineering Materials course.

Biomechanics Laboratory Test Commission

Sezgin BEDİR

Re. Ass. Hasan Yavuz ÜNAL/ Re. Ass.  Devrim TÜMER

Responsibility for performing biomechanics laboratory tests and providing maintenance and repair of devices

Thermodynamics/Energy Laboratory Test Commission

Mec. Eng. Zafer YENİER


Responsibility to perform thermodynamic/energy laboratory tests and to provide maintenance and repair of devices

Functional Materials Analysis, Design and Imaging Laboratory Test Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Barış Oğuz GÜRSES


Responsible for performing Functional Materials Analysis, Design and Imaging laboratory tests and maintaining and repairing devices

Manufacturing Methods Laboratory Test Commission

Re. Ass.  Erdoğan POLAT


Responsibility for production methods laboratory tests and maintenance and repair of devices

Chemistry Laboratory Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS

Re. Ass. Dr. Sercan SABANCI

Re. Ass. Fırat ÖZDEMİR

Responsibility to ensure that chemistry experiments are carried out in a healthy way

Department Library Commission

Sezgin BEDİR


Responsibility for the library to be open all the time and for the purchase and delivery of books

Department WEB site

Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY

Re. Ass.  Dilara KOÇAK

Responsibility for a better and up-to-date department website

Technical Travel Commission

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARIKANAT

Re. Ass. Fırat ÖZDEMİR

Responsibility for the organization of technical trips to be organized (at least 5 per year)

Social Activities Commission Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES  Re. Ass. Hasan Yavuz ÜNAL Organizing social events within the department

MMO Representation

Asst. Prof. Dr. B. Oğuz GÜRSES 



iSKiD Representation

Prof. Dr. Ali GÜNGÖR



Department Computer Commission

Lec. Dr. Niyazi ÇAVUŞOĞLU


Responsibility for ensuring that the computers in the department perform their functions, responsibility for the maintenance and interior cleaning of the computers in the offices

Department Internet Commission

Lec. Dr. Niyazi ÇAVUŞOĞLU

Lec. Dr. Özgür TAŞKIN /

Responsibility to ensure smooth use of the department internet connection

Graduation Ceremony Commission

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lütfiye ALTAY

Re. Ass. Aytaç Altan KARAKUŞ

Re. Ass. Fırat ÖZDEMİR

Responsibility for graduation ceremony organization

Department of Hazardous Waste Commission

Re. Ass. Erdoğan POLAT

Sezgin BEDİR

Responsibility for the management and disposal of hazardous waste in the department

Department of Civil Defense Commission

Lec. Dr. Aykut KIYMAZ

Lec. Dr. Özgür TAŞKIN

Responsibility for coordination of civil defense activities of the department

Numerical Package Program Commission

Prof. Dr. Aydoğan ÖZDAMAR

Prof. Dr. Hasan YILDIZ

Ass. Prof. Dr.  Mahmut PEKEDİS

To students; Responsible for providing finite element method in Computational Mechanics course and finite volume method package program in Fluid Mechanics II course

Occupational Health and Safety Commission

Sezgin BEDİR


Responsibility for coordinating the Department's activities in the field of Occupational Health and Safety

Ground and First Floor Attendant

Seval ÖNAL- Murat CAN


Ground and 1st floor cleaning responsibility, 4th floor joint responsibility (Staff rooms will be cleaned according to the schedule)

Second Floor Attendant

Murat CAN


2nd floor cleaning responsibility, garden responsibility, 4th floor joint responsibility (Staff rooms will be cleaned according to the schedule)


Third Floor Attendant

Seval ÖNAL


3rd floor cleaning responsibility, tea room operation, 4th floor joint responsibility (Staff rooms will be cleaned once a week)

Student Clubs and Societies Commission

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut PEKEDİS

 Re. Ass.  Erdoğan POLAT

Responsibility to guide students in clubs and societies

Disadvantaged Group Commission Re. Ass. Aslı TİKTAŞ    

Department Social Responsibility Projects Responsibility

Re. Ass. Dr.Türkan ÜÇOK ERKEK


Responsibility for coordinating departmental social responsibility projects

EGE Additional Development Activities Commission Re. Ass. Dr.Türkan ÜÇOK ERKEK    

BOLOGNA (Ege Course Information Package)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Utku ŞENTÜRK

 Re. Ass. Aslı TİKTAŞ

Responsibility for the Bologna (Ege Course Information Package) process

Professional Ethics Commission

Prof. Dr. Rasim İPEK


Responsibility to ensure that students gain a sense of professional and ethical responsibility by documenting them with homework and projects

EGE KOVKOM Asst. Prof. Dr.  Mahmut PEKEDİS Re. Ass.  Erdoğan POLAT Responsibility to take Covid-19 precautionsCovid-19 önlemlerini alma sorumluluğu
Career Talks Asst. Prof. Dr.  Mahmut PEKEDİS Re. Ass. . Dr. Sercan SABANCI Responsibility for organizing a graduate's career talk program every month in our department
Graduation in Class Activity   Re. Ass.  Dr. Sercan SABANCI Organizing the "Graduate in Class Activity" program in our department
Occupational Safety and Waste Management Commission Re. Ass. Erdoğan POLAT    

Department Student Representative



Responsibility to represent department students in every field

EGE KAF   Re. Ass.  Aytaç Altan KARAKUŞ 21-22 March 2022 Career Fair Representative
Research Assistants Representative Re. Ass.  Dilara KOÇAK   Coordinating between the Department Head and the Research Assistants

1st Class Representation Commission



Responsibility to represent first year students

2nd Class Representation Commission



Responsibility to represent second year students

3rd Class Representation Commission



Responsibility to represent third year students

4th Class Representation Commission



Responsibility to represent forth year students



Updated Date: 28.04.2022

Dr. Öğr.Üyesi B.Oğuz Gürses


Ege Üniversitesi